Smoke & Tobacco Free Campus
Alaska Pacific University will become a Smoke and Tobacco-Free Campus on August 14, 2017. Out of respect for the APU Community and our U-Med District partners, APU is committed to promoting a healthy environment for everyone on our campus.
FAQ for APU Smoking Policy
When does the policy officially start?
APU’s Smoke and Tobacco Free Policy officially starts on Monday, August 14, 2017.
Why go smoke and tobacco free?
The purpose of the policy is to create a health-supporting community for everyone, tobacco-users and non-users alike. The policy also supports the right of all people on APU properties to breath smoke-free air. The most simple explanation is respect for each other and the environment in which we all co-exist.
What things are covered under this policy?
All forms of tobacco, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, kreteks, bidis, other inhalable burning substances and all smokeless tobacco and tobacco-containing products.
How is tobacco use defined?
The inhaling, smoking, sniffing, chewing, dipping, or any other assimilation of tobacco products while on APU property.
What is considered to be APU property?
APU property is defined as: all buildings, trailers, facilities, campus grounds, athletic facilities, university vehicles, exterior open spaces, covered walkways, breezeways, walkways between sections of buildings, trails, exterior stairways and landings, recreational areas, university-owned parking lots, driveways, loading docks, university-owned streets, shuttle bus stops, sidewalks within all university campuses, and all property that is owned, operated, leased, occupied or controlled by the university.
Does the policy apply to sanctioned or sporting events off campus?
The policy applies only to university-owned, operated, leased, occupied or controlled property. Any events or activities elsewhere are governed by the policies at that location.
Isn’t tobacco use a personal right?
Tobacco and its usage is completely legal for adults above 18. The Board of Trustees and the APU administration is not forcing anyone to quit. A tobacco-free, smoke-free policy does not prohibit tobacco use; it merely establishes where use can occur.
The Surgeon General reports that “99% of smokers begin smoking and using other forms of tobacco by age 26.” This makes our university campus and APU properties a critical target for tobacco use prevention and cessation efforts.
Why are smokeless tobacco and electronic cigarettes included?
The rates of smokeless tobacco are increasing and use is found to be highest among college students. Although some may use it as an aid to quit smoking, it is still a highly concentrated source of addictive nicotine and it has not been regulated or studied enough to support claims that it aids in cessation or to establish the harmful effects it may cause. Early research shows negative lung effects and inflammation, similar to smoking.
How is the policy to be enforced?
Compliance with this policy is the responsibility of ALL members of the APU community. Faculty, staff, and students are being asked to assist in the implementation of this policy by respectfully informing violators of the policy that APU is a tobacco-free, smoke-free campus.
Where can I smoke or use tobacco products after August 14, 2017?
The policy does not apply to:
- Personally owned vehicles parked or being driven on APU property
- Public sidewalks or rights-of-way that border APU property
Can I still carry tobacco products on me or store them in my car?
Yes, as long as you are not using tobacco or tobacco products as defined by the policy on APU property, you may have them on your person or in your vehicle.
What about family or friends that visit APU? Do they have to abide by this policy?
Yes. The policy applies to everyone who visits APU.
What do I say to someone violating the policy?
The American Lung Association, ANTHC, and the State of Alaska have helped develop a list of possible responses if you encounter someone violation this policy. Please click here to see the list.
What is the penalty for violation of the policy?
All students, faculty and staff are being asked to respect and adhere to this policy for the overall well-being of our APU community. In the first year of implementation, those violating the policy will be informed of the new policy and made aware of quit help/cessation services support. After the first year, additional measures of enforcement may be implemented. Individuals who do not comply with the policy, repeatedly or deliberately, may be subject to additional actions during the first year.
What support is being offered to employees or students who don’t wish to quit but need help following the policy during their work/school day at APU?
For employees covered by Premera BCBS at APU, the cost of nicotine replacement assistance (patches, gum, etc.) can be reimbursed. In addition, the Alaska Tobacco Quit Line, provides free nicotine replacement therapy and counseling.
If I want to quit smoking, what resources are available to me?
- Alaska’s Tobacco QuitLine, 1-800-784-8669
- Freedom From Smoking Plus, American Lung Association, 1-800-586-4872